Our experience together

This is no ordinary medical office…

I will greet you not just as a patient to be treated in my clinic but as a whole human being. You are more than your conditions and diagnoses I want to help you to connect to your wholeness in service of your healing.

I invite you to step outside of the usual laundry list of diagnoses and speak to me about your life. I will listen as you tell me about your experiences with your body, with your mind and with your feeling of connection. I’d like to get an idea of how you experience the world and how your body and mind and spirit navigate along the way.

The information I gather talking to you and doing a physical assessment (including gathering quality data about your pulse and tongue!) weaves itself together to form a pattern based on the principles of Chinese medicine. Seeing the pattern and where things are out of balance, I use my tools, including acupuncture, moxibustion, Chinese herbal therapy, bodywork, exercise, nutrition and lifestyle therapies to the best of my ability to help restore you to health.

Your concerns and your values are important to me and when I make recommendations for changes to support your healing and/or wellness, they are meant as suggestions. You, and only you are in charge of your healing journey, I am simply here to assist along the way. My highest intention is always in service to your path and although I will give you a push and strive to educate and motivate you to make positive change in regard to your health, I will always meet you where you are and fully respect your freedom of choice.

Chinese medicine is not a quick-fix medicine. Sure, acupuncture does relieve pain like a rock-star… and “aculand” (the relaxing place you go when you can rest your brain and let the needles do their magic) is amazing… but solving more complex problems takes time and often Chinese herbal therapy is the therapy of choice. These are not chemicals to override where biochemicals in your body have gone wrong, instead,  herbs help to bring your physiology back into right relationship and it takes time for that balance to be regained.

Of course, medicine works best when you are involved in helping yourself to heal. In our complex world, having support in your healing process is invaluable. I offer support on all levels, physically, emotionally and spiritually. If you choose to work with me, I am honored to be part of your journey and I can’t wait to meet you!